Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday, September 8, 2008

intro to punta cana and day 1

the punta cana airport has a straw roof!

i was greeted by a girl from the puntacana resort with a sign reading "SRA. LISA BARTELS" - senora! woot! she whisked me through immigration and customs and i never had to answer any questions :)

laura from utoronto had already arrived and showed me the ins and outs of our room and shared bathroom (with virginia tech students in the adjacent room). we met the instructors and proceeded to go on an impromptu walk through the reserve where we are actually staying and taking the hym course. saw soooo much neat stuff and even got to swim in a really great lagoon! i got some mozzie bites already but i'm taking malaria pills and brought bug spray so i am not really worried.

this is a work computer i am using and it doesnt really have an easy way to view my pictures or anything but i'll try to post some here anyway! i dont have a lot of time either. the material is imparted quite fast and we're quite busy getting organized for the field, etc.

my images are not loading so this is going to be a pretty boring blog.

Friday, September 5, 2008

packing for punta cana

my things are all over the dining room table. still have my clothes to gather and toiletries to organize. the last of my equipment from work is coming home with me to pack as well.

i'll be spending a week in punta cana, dominican republic, to study parasitic wasps! i was selected to participate in this annual course that is internationally open to aspiring entomologists. there are 21 students on the list, including me.

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it's about time i started a blog. and this wraps up the first entry.